Victor and Valentino Wiki

Centipeetle300 Centipeetle300 14 May 2023



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Tycio Tycio 11 December 2022

Been thinking about Aztec gods and character names

I purposefully avoided doing the research until I finished the 3rd season but now I need something to occupy my mind.

Xochi brings three to mind:

Xochitlicue - goddess of fertility and mother of two below...

  • Xōchiquetzal - goddess of fertility
  • Xōchipilli - god of art, games, dance, flowers

The dance+flowers aspect makes me think of Pilli despite him being a male god and Xochi being female. My guess is Xochi might be meant to merge both aspects of these siblings.

Xochitlicue would probable be her absent mother (Don Jalapeno's wife?) and there is no consort listed to be the equivalent of Don Jalapeno.

This gets a bit odd lore-wise though since Xochiquetzal was the consort of Tlaloc, but since we have a pretty good idea of who Tlaloc is now, that's …

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Ewefwein Ewefwein 4 November 2021

Fan Fiction episode:Bat for more.

When Javier rises once more he heads to Monte Macbre and when Victor is sleeping Bites him on the neck. Victor slowly starts to transform into a bat human hybrid and must find a way to change back before it’s to late.

It begins with where we last saw Javier after his previous encounter with Victor & Valentino. He flies off to monte macabre and makes his way to Victor’s room where he bites him on the neck. Victor’s in too much of a deep sleep to notice but by time morning comes Valentino notices the bite on Victor’s neck.

Victor decides not to worry as it’s probably not a big deal but we cut to Javier laughing and saying “it’s begun.” Victor begins his day by doing mischief with Miguelito by Victor notices some hair grow up his legs and notic…

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Tycio Tycio 31 October 2021

imagine if Charlene and Cristina met

really enjoyed the "realms of Mictlan" quartet and I can't remember these two associates of Vic meeting but that would makefor an interesting episode

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Biddybabe2003 Biddybabe2003 4 September 2021


It’s ok to like cartoons as an adult.

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Starscreams-legs55 Starscreams-legs55 1 January 2021

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new years!

And may this year be much better than 2020 haha

Much love everyone

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Starscreams-legs55 Starscreams-legs55 25 December 2020

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well and has

a wonderful holiday season!

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Gavintino Gavintino 8 June 2020

Season 2 Episode Ideas!

What do you want to see in Season 2 of Victor and Valentino?

(Note: Some of these are borrowed from HenryDangerFan’s post. I do not own those who are borrowed.)

Lonely Haunts Club 3: La Llorona: Victor, Valentino, and their rivals go in the pool at night to see if the titular ghost is real.

Chata’s Basement: When V&V discover a secret trap door to the basement of their house, they learn that the basement is full of many secrets that have never been discovered before!

A Day At The Lake: V&V are going to see the local pond in their town with Sal. They think it’ll be boring but Sal brings the two on an adventure!

It Came From Monte Macabre: Vic tells everyone about the legendary El Cuatlacas but nobody believes he is real. Victor then dresses up i…

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Henry Danger Fan Henry Danger Fan 4 February 2020


Hello everyone of the Victor and Valentino Wiki.

The leaderboard is now running and you can now earn badges when editing. Just remember to not edit just for the badges or you may be blocked if the edit isn't appropriate.

If you have any badge ideas, comment them in this post. Thanks.

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Henry Danger Fan Henry Danger Fan 6 April 2019

New Episode Ideas

What do you want to see in Victor and Valentino? Post your episode ideas in the comments below to be featured on the post!

  • "Water Gun War" - The kids of Monte Macabre are having a water gun battle, but when Victor runs out of water and fills up his gun with toxic water, a water creature is formed, leaving the town in chaos.
  • "Chata's Basement" - When V&V discover a secret trap door to the basement of Chata's house and get trapped down there, they learn that the basement is full of many secrets that have never been discovered before!
  • "The Last Kids In Town" - When Victor and Valentino find out that they are the only kids left in town, Val is going off seing where everyone is and Vic is taking advantage of the town.
  • "Rumor Has It" - When a rumor …
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